Thursday, February 27, 2020

The First World War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The First World War - Research Paper Example e various occurrences culminated to this occurrence of this war, it is the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 who was the heir to Austria-Hungary throne in Sarajevo, Bosnia that eventually prompted the occurrence of the war (Gilbert 2008). The First World War involved the great powers of the world at that time. Mainly, there were two alliances that were involved: the Triple Alliance or the Central Powers who included Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Germany; and the Allies who comprised of Russia, France, and the United Kingdom (De Groot 2000). The war paved way for a number of economic and political changes. In order to have a better understanding of the First World War, this paper will discuss the war in general, the key people that were involved, significant events of the war, technological advances during the war, the advantages and disadvantages of the war, as well as the positive things that came out of the war. The First World War occurred in a span of four years and involved many nations as well as key people. The first notable figure was Herbert Asquith who was the Britain’s Prime Minister at the time when the nation entered into the war (Strachan 2005). During this time he struggled to unite the nation but he was unsuccessful and he eventually bowed out of the Prime Minister position. The second key figure was the then Imperial Germany Chancellor, Bethmann Hollweg; he tried to tear apart the Triple Alliance of Russia, France, and Britain. However, his efforts were unsuccessful because he lacked the support of other Germans. It should be noted that he had unsuccessfully attempted to calm the international events prior to the start of the war (Robbins 2002). General Aleksey Brusilov is the other key figure of the First World War; he was the Russian commander during the war and he significantly contributed to success in 1914 in Galicia. He is considered one of the successful people by the standards of the war as he was able to capture

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Managing the Digital Enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Managing the Digital Enterprise - Essay Example It demonstrates the degree of innovation of an organization and their responsiveness to the consumer needs and changes in taste preferences. With the introduction of technology, e-business models have been developed that allow businesses to demonstrate their abilities and responsiveness using web based centres. Thus, a business model whether tradition or e-business model demonstrates the approaches adopted by an organization to make profits. In this paper, the business models of Dell and Amazon companies will be analysed to demonstrate how each of the approaches have affected the performance of the businesses. In implementing the business models, these organizations have their specific community and target audience in sight, which affects the nature of their models. The target audience served by the organizations websites will also be analysed to demonstrate how the companies use their sites to attract their customers. Dell and Amazon business models The development of web dependent business models as have been done by both Dell and Amazon requires the understanding of the characteristics of web-users. Consumer behaviours constantly change and is influenced largely by the current occurrence in the market, competition and the entry of new players in the industry. Companies conduct studies on consumer behaviours to determine the nature of their web contents as exhibited by both dell and Amazon. Websites therefore incorporate business news, entertainment articles and educational activities aimed at attracting and arousing the interests of the consumers. In organizations that conduct online shopping, procurements, sales and advertising like Amazon and most recently Dell, a proper e-business model is of great significance (Kuballa, 2007). Dell Corporation launched their e-business approach in 1990s and this has enabled it to make inroads into new markets while designing products that suit the specific needs of the consumers. According to this model, the company main tains a virtual operations and sales system in which it operates without any physical outlets and intermediaries to link it with the consumers. With its sound supply chain management approach, Dell can sufficiently serve the orders of its consumers within 24 hours of receiving the order (Fife & Pereira, 2006). One of the business models used by Dell involves the employment of e-business in enhancing its supply chain management thus enabling the company to meet the consumer’s needs in time. In 1996, Dell Corporation opened its website for online selling purposes and designed it specifically to allow for interactive approaches with the consumers (Kha, 2000). The business model as practiced by Dell Corporation is also punctuated with consistencies in the development of new innovative products, which are availed on the company’s website for consumers to review. The innovative approach focuses on the key competencies of the company and the ability of the consum ers to make their personal inputs on the products online before making their orders (Fox, 2000). Amazon has cut a niche for itself as one of the leading online book and music seller controlling a large percentage of the total books sold online worldwide. The success of the online